I'm Chen-Kang.

This is a website I use to document the cool stuff I learned/did.


Cover Image for Running Commands on Google Compute Engine Using Apache Airflow

Running Commands on Google Compute Engine Using Apache Airflow

The settings I used to connect to Google Compute Engine via Airflow's SSHOperator and ComputeEngineSSHHook

Google Cloud Platform, Apache Airflow, Cloud
Cover Image for A Track Recommender System for the Spotify Million Playlist Dataset

A Track Recommender System for the Spotify Million Playlist Dataset

A recommender system that suggests tracks based on partially visible playlists.

Recommender Systems
Cover Image for Visual SLAM on Jetbots using Extended Kalman Filters

Visual SLAM on Jetbots using Extended Kalman Filters

Implementing SLAM on differential drive robots, using video input from onboard Camera module and April Tag Landmarks

Cover Image for Recreating the GCN Model on Citibike Dataset

Recreating the GCN Model on Citibike Dataset

My attempt implementing the Graph-Convolution-Network on the NYC Citibike dataset.

Machine Learning, Pytorch
Cover Image for To Read or to Take Over? A Case Study of Safety Aware Reading Experience on Self-Driving Cars

To Read or to Take Over? A Case Study of Safety Aware Reading Experience on Self-Driving Cars

A Human-Computer Interaction research that explores reading in autonomous cars, and how the placement of text can effect takeover time.

Human Computer Interaction, Unity3D
Cover Image for Gestalta: A Game Written in Unity3D

Gestalta: A Game Written in Unity3D

An Award Winning Indie Adventure Game.

Unity3D, Game Design